Certified Organic Fruits and Vegetables
Everything we grow here at Full Moon Farm, is certified organic. You never have to worry that your fruits or vegetables have been treated with toxic herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides. It was grown in such a manner as to protect the earth we walk on, the water we drink and the critters we share the planet with. Not only do our growing methods protect your gut and the ecosystem, they make our food taste great too. Go ahead and take a bite; it’s safe and delicious!
Over the course of the season, members of Full Moon Farm can expect to choose between a variety of certified organic vegetable, fruit and herb options. Our food is always fresh and freshness makes a big difference!
Options may include:
Basil, beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, celeriac, chard, Chinese cabbage, cilantro, collards, corn, cucumbers, daikon radish, dill, edamame (soybeans,) eggplant, fennel, garlic, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, melon, onions, parsley, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, radishes, scallions, spinach, sugar snap peas, summer squash, sweet potatoes, tomatillos, tomatoes, turnips, watermelon, winter squash and zucchini.