Buy Food Not Crap Campaign
Full Moon Farm wants to get more healthy, organic food to people in need. Full Moon Farm wants to support more kind deeds and less crap-buying this holiday season. If you feel the same way, we should pool our resources.
Are you tired of buying packaged, processed canned or boxed, (and often Genetically Modified,) food for the foodshelf? You make an effort to eat fresh produce. Wouldn't you like to help others do the same?
Are you tired of searching for 'Secret Santa' gifts for your friends, family and office mates?
With every dollar you contribute to Full Moon Farm's BUY FOOD, NOT CRAP campaign, Full Moon Farm will give 1 lb. of first quality, organic produce to either the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf or the Hinesburg Food Shelf.
Listen Jane Lindholm's 2011 VPR News story about our Buy Food Not Crap campaign
How to Help Get Safe, Healthy Food to Those in Need:
PUT SOME MONEY IN THE CAN: At every Burlington Winter Farmers Market, and at every wintershare pick-up, Full Moon Farm will have a donation can. Anyone can put in any dollar (or check) amount in at anytime. Remember, every dollar helps add up to a meal.
DONATE SECURELY ON-LINE: We now have a simple way to donate on-line! To donate, just click on the donate button below. You get to choose how much to contribute. If every summer and winter share donated just $2, we would be able to bring another $800 lbs of produce to the food shelves. If every family or friend member in a share donated $2.......who knows how much that would be, couldn't hurt to find out now, could it?
GET YOUR SCHOOL INVOLVED: Organize in your local school to create the Buy Food Not Crap Challenge. Find ways to challenge students to bring in money that can be exchanged for pounds of safe, healthy, fresh, organic food for the foodshelf. Create a chart for their lunchroom. Arrange to bring your kids to our farm to see where it comes from. Take them to the foodshelf to see where it goes. Kids love to get involved and participate in activities that help others. Why not start now?
PURCHASE A GIFT: Need a stocking stuffer or a secret Santa gift? How about a birthday present? Don't want to support holiday capitalism by buying empty, holiday tchotchkes? Then put some heart into the holidays and buy something of essential value. Write Full Moon Farm a check for any amount and we will turn that dollar amount into pounds of food. We will also supply you with a gift card to give to whomever, (you know: To celebrate this holiday season, $50 worth of fresh, organic vegetables was donated to the ____________Foodshelf in your name.) Each gift certificate is sent in a print of Farmer Rachel's watercolor of our dried beans.
Just send Full Moon Farm a check to: 2083 Gilman Rd, Hinesburg, Vt, 05461. Please tell us whom you want the gift certificate made out to, which food shelf you prefer (Hinesburg or Burlington,) and where you want the card sent (back to you or to the recipient. Please include the correct address.)
ASK YOUR BUSINESS TO ADOPT THE FOODSHELF THIS HOLIDAY: Many businesses choose to adopt a non-profit for the holidays. Instead of inter-office gifts, many businesses choose to pool resources and give to a non-profit of their choice. With so many more people facing food insecurity, why not ask your business to adopt your local foodshelf? Foodshelves get plenty of packaged, processed, outdated canned foods as it is. Full Moon Farm wants to get first-quality, fresh organic food to people in need. Your business can help. Heck, kill two birds with one stone! Support a local, certified organic farm while also supporting your local food shelf!
Unfortunately, since Full Moon Farm is not a non-profit, all donations are not tax-deductable. We have been able to work with the Food Shelf in Burlington to provide receipts for large, individual donations.
Please help us help others.
Full disclosure: Full Moon Farm does profit from this campaign but it is not the usual 'profit.' Based on average wholesale costs, Full Moon Farm is donating $250 - $400 per 1000lbs of food.