Certified Organic Chicken
The only healthy way to raise poultry is on pasture. However, there is a little secret about "Pastured" meat-birds: they need more than greens and pasture and slugs to excel; they also need grain. In fact, it is estimated that meat birds on pasture get 70-90% of their dietary needs from the grains that they are fed. Unless those grains are certified organic, those birds are eating a lot more than pretty pasture. Pastured poultry is not necessarily organic poultry. In fact, healthy looking, pastured poultry can be poultry fed pesticide-laden and genetically modified, (and therefore herbicide-laden,) feed.
The big difference between "Certified Organic chicken" and "Natural" or "Local" or "Pastured chicken" is that only certified organic chickens are eating certified organic grain along with their tasty pasture.
Certified organic chicken feed will not contain any of the following:
Animal by-products
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's)
Pesticide treated grains
Grains grown with chemical fertilizers
Synthetic amino acids
How do you know if pastured birds are eating GMO grains?
If a farm is not labeling their birds with the official "certified organic" label, then they are most likely being fed conventional grain which may contain the above-mentioned items. If you are not sure, then ask the farmer. Vermont farmers are honest folk; they won't lie to your face.
Full Moon Farm pays significantly more for our feed than other "Natural" or "Local" or "Pastured" poultry operations yet our chickens cost only a few quarters more per pound than theirs. Chickens eat lots of grain. You are what your meat eats, so why eat birds raised on genetically modified, pesticide and/or herbicide-treated feed?
Organic poultry $6.60/lb for individual birds.
We slaughter birds regularly throughout the summer season. On the weeks when we have fresh birds, you can buy them from us at any of our pick-up locations, the Burlington Farmers' Market, or at the farm.